
Here’s what clients have to say about Freda’s


“(Our employees are) extremely pleased with their new, elegant, practical and professional business wardrobe. Most of all (Freda) has an in-depth understanding of catering to our needs, making our employees feel good about themselves.”

Supervisor, Information Services Transport Canada





“…working with fabrics from Europe’s finest mills, she produces few-of-a-kind garments at remarkably fair prices.”

Marina Sturdza Fashion Editor, Toronto Sun





“The fabric and workmanship was not only produced first class, but also within our tight schedule.”

Sales Coordinator Elizabeth Arden (Canada)




“As always, our parent company in Dallas was tremendously impressed by your design and workmanship.”

Manager, Product Marketing and Training Mary Kay Cosmetics (Canada) Ltd.




“We were all satisfied with the sophisticated and professional image resulting from Freda’s insight and style … you are obviously committed to customer satisfaction.”

Director, Cabin Services Canada 3000 Airlines Limited




“I have known from enjoying many of your suits over the years that you do not compromise quality in fabric or workmanship.”

Senior Director Mary Kay Cosmetics




“An overall satisfaction-with- service rating of 91% is impressive indeed!”

V.P. Sales and Service, Personal and Commercial Financial Services Bank of Montreal




“Everyone is universally pleased with the splendid new designs.”

Coordinator,insight and style Communications and Marketing The McMichael Canadian Collection




“Our new looks far excel anything I have seen amongst other transitt properties.”

Materials Management, GO Transit






